What is Netiquette?


                                                                                      Image source: https://humanitiesblog932023307.wordpress.com/2018/08/13/netiquette-its-meaning/

Netiquette is short for "Internet etiquette." Just like etiquette is a code of polite behavior in society, netiquette is a code of good behavior on the Internet. This includes several aspects of the Internet, such as email, social media, online chat, web forums, website comments, multiplayer gaming, and other types of online communication.  (https://techterms.com/definition/netiquette)

While there is no official list of netiquette rules or guidelines, the general idea is to respect others online. Below is a video that covers some of the core guidelines of netiqutte: 

Core Rules of Netiquette

Here is a quick summary of some netiquette guidelines:          


                                         Image source: https://kim980.wordpress.com/2016/09/27/netiquette-guidelines/

Some other dos and don'ts for netiquette are the following:

  • Respect other people's privacy
  • Name-call or express offensive opinions
  • Verify facts before reposting
  • Post private embarrasing images or comments
  • Check messages and respond promptly
  • Exclude people or talk behind their backs

                                                                                                 Source: https://www.verywellmind.com/ten-rules-of-netiquette-22285


Social netiquette: be mindful of what, how and where you post on social media


Using social media properly can be difficult; however, knowing what to post, when and where, and choosing the right words, pictures or videos, is a valuable online skill — and it all needs to be guided by a good sense of “netiquette,” manners for the digital age.

No matter what social media platform you are using here are some easy rules to follow:

  • Use proper grammar, spelling and casing (UPPERCASE IMPLIES YELLING!).
  • Learn about copyright, and use images, videos, quotes and links properly.
  • Do not use social media to vent your anger or controversial opinions.
  • Do not badmouth others.
  • Avoid engaging in social media “fights” or arguments.
  • Respect people’s time, privacy and confidentiality (including yours); don’t share names, contact information, photos or any private details from anyone’s life.
  • Use language and images that you wouldn’t feel embarrassed to see on the front page of a newspaper; everything you post has the potential to be shared and made public.
  • Never post anything in the heat of the moment. Stop and consider the repercussions before you click “post.”

REMEMBER, anything you post on the internet has the potential to be seen, read and shared!

Image and Information Source: https://canadianimmigrant.ca/careers-and-education/careers/social-netiquette-be-mindful-of-what-how-and-where-you-post-on-social-media

Want a video to explain social media netiquette?

Do's and Don'ts of Social Network Netiquette


Bad Netiquette = Cyberbullying

Image Source: https://blogging.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Cyber-bullying-01.webp

Cyber bullying is an example of bad netiquette.

Cyber bullying is defined as causing deliberate/intentional harm to others using the internet or other digital technologies.

Signs and Symptoms of Cyber Bullying:

A child may be a VICTIM of cyber bullying if he or she:

  1. Unexpectedly stops using the computer
  2. Appears nervous or jumpy when an instant message, text message, or email appears
  3. Appears uneasy about going to school or outside in general
  4. Appears to be angry, depressed, or frustrated after using the computer
  5. Avoids discussions about what they are doing on the computer
  6. Becomes abnormally withdrawn from usual friends and family members

A child may be CYBER BULLYING others if he or she:

  1. Quickly switches screens or closes programs when you walk by
  2. Uses the computer at all hours of the night
  3. Gets unusually upset if he/she cannot use the computer
  4. Laughs excessively while using the computer
  5. Avoids discussions about what they are doing on the computer
  6. Uses multiple online accounts or using an account that is not their own
Tips for Parents
  1. Educate your child on how to respond in the right way when being cyber bullied:
    • a.Stop speaking to the bully and do not retaliate
    • b.Save the evidence
    • c.Report to parents, teachers or school counsellors
  2. Actions to take if you feel that your child is in danger or is fearful:
    • a.Alert the content provider or website administrator to do a thorough investigation (provide evidence if available)
    • b.Work with school authority if the cyber bully is suspected to be from the school
    • c.Report to the police if the cyber bullying involves criminal intimidation, insulting the modesty of a woman or racial slurs
  3. Discuss with your child how they should also be respectful of other users on the internet.
  4. Educate your child not to be a bystander if he/she knows of a fellow classmate or friend who is being cyber bullied. Offer help to the victim. Approach a trusted adult (parents/teachers) for advice.

Information Source: https://www.help123.sg/cyber-bullying/netiquette-and-cyber-bullying

An informational video on cyberbullying can be viewed by following the link below:

Cyberbullying Video








